
Come to our panel discussions and film screenings about the exhibition’s theme.

You can purchase your tickets online or at the Memorial.

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Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the tourment of the Shoah”

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the tourment of the Shoah”

wednesday 21 december 2022 → de 14h30 à 16h

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the tourment of the Shoah”

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the tourment of the Shoah”

thurday 22 december 2022 → de 14h à 16h

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the turmoil of the Shoah”

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the turmoil of the Shoah”

wednesday 28 december 2022 → de 14h à 16h

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the turmoil of the Shoah”

Guided family tour of the exhibition “Spirou in the turmoil of the Shoah”

thurday 29 december 2022 → de 14h à 16h
